Today in 2nd of December we have been to English performance
at Forever Young. This have been in DDM - Úlita at part of Prague, Žižkov. This
performance was done by the book the Orlando, written by a famous writer
Virginia Wolf.
Adeline Virgina Wolf
was a major English novelist, literary critic, essayist, editor, philosopher
and feminist. Some of her works are part of the teaching of modernism. Adeline
Virginia Stephen was born in London. This book was written in 1928.
The story begins during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, when
the main character, Orlando, still young.
Orlando was skating with his friends on a frozen river,
where he met a young Russian Sasha. There he fell in love. Since that time,
Orlando began to pursue poetry and wrote a diary. In another part Orladno fled
to Turkey and then slept for three days and transformed into a woman. As a
woman, she sailed on a boat with a captain. Sailed away to England. As a woman
in London hosted meeting with her friend showed where things are old than her.
But in this time she lived. Never grow old.
In my opinion, the performance of these amateur actors was
amazing. Their British accent, added energy and the emphasis on the going place
of. Even though it played no known actors, I liked it.
Dominik Kolek, I4.C
Today we have been to DDM Ulita to witness the English
performance called “Forever Young”. It was a modified version of the Orlando
play written by Virginia Woolf, who was an English feminist writer and lived on
the split of nineteenth and twentieth century. It was about a man called
Orlando Desmond, who has cheated the time by having his life candle switched
for a bigger one, which made him practically immortal. Later, during his escape
from Istanbul, where he has spent 300 years as an English ambassador, he has
witnessed a man die and he morphed into a women. Subsequent plot was about male
female relationships, women rights and similar. The play was very loud and
boring in places, but under our circumstances, a worthwhile waste of time.
Jan Kelin, I4.C
Today, we have been to English perfomance called „Forever
young.“ It was based on the fictional novel „Orlando“ written by English writer
Virginia Woolf. The plot was telling us a story about young nobleman Orlando,
who is commanded by Queen Elizabeth I to stay forever young. Miraculously, he
does just that. The story follows him as he moves through several centuries of
British history, experiencing a variety of lives and relationships along the
way, and even changing sex. I liked the actors and their acting, it was really
enjoyable to watch. I liked the used music as well. Their English was very good
and I understood every word they said. It was very good performance overall.
Lukáš Cimr, I4.C